The GanttChart Component is an interactive and visual component to better see your assigned milestones in a Gantt Chart style.
Adding GanttChart to your lightning page
Follow these steps to add to the page for any Standard or Custom Object:
1. From a Lightning Record Page, click the Wrench Icon > Edit Page
2. Search for the Gantt Chart Custom Component and drag onto the page
3. Click Save & Activation
Gantt Chart Features
1. Double Clicking the Milestone Header: Doing this will open up the window revealing details on the header and the milestones. In order to complete a milestone using GanttChart, you need to click the checkbox next to the desired milestone. Completion is indicated by the line being crossed through. Details of the milestone and header can be edited here as well.
2. Dragging the edge of the header: This will alter either the start or end date of the desired header. If you drag the right side of the header it will alter the end date and vice versa.
3. Dragging the entire header (clicking and dragging from anywhere that isn't the edges) will change both start and end dates by the same amount.
4. Filter Selection: Filter by owner is the default. You can then filter by specific users. (Note: The list of users visible will be based on what users have been assigned milestones on the template.)
5. Show task list: Toggling this on will show a pseudo list view on the left hand side. It shows the name of the header along with the due date ranges. This is useful if the headers are very spaced out as you can see all of the in the Task List.
6. Changing the GanttChart view: There is Week, Month, Year. Month is the default option. The different options are for altering your viewing experience based on the spread of milestone headers. If your template has them more spaced out and you are wanting to see all of your headers, switching the the Year view could be more advantageous.
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