Squivr Action Plan allows users to easily see the next steps in their plan of success. They are easy to update via our templates all while yielding a valuable and rich data output. This data can then be reported on for an complete and pleasant experience.
Follow these steps to add to the page for any Standard or Custom Object:
From a Lightning Record Page, click the Wrench Icon > Edit Page
- In the Components sidebar, find ActionPlan and drag onto the page
- Save
Action Plan Iconology
4. Expanding and Collapsing Objectives
5. Adding Objectives and Milestones
6. Editing Objectives and Milestones
Action Plan Features
1. Conditional Formatting:
- Green: Milestone has been completed.
- Red: Milestone is more than 3 days overdue.
- Light Red: Milestone is 3 or less days overdue.
- Orange: Milestone is nearing due date within 3 days.
- Yellow: Milestone is nearing due date within 7 days.
Note: The highest level of urgency will be displayed at the header level. (In this case, the red indicator will be shown on the header level.)
2. Percentage Bars:
The top percentage bar shows the net-average percent complete of all Objectives. The other ones show the Objective level percent complete.
3. User Added Milestones: We allow for flexibility in making and customizing your plans of success. In the case that you manually add a milestone, we will indicate which ones were added by a user.
4. Expanding and Collapsing Objectives: You can expand or collapse each Objective individually by clicking the arrow on the left hand side of the desired Objective or you can do it in bulk by clicking the "Expand All/ Collapse All" button on the top right.
5. Adding Objectives and Milestones: You can add additional Objectives and/or Milestones by clicking the "Add Objective" button on the top right for an Objective or the "+" icon for a milestone within the desired Objective.
6. Editing Objectives and Milestones: If any adjustments need to be made at the Objective or Milestone level, click the pencil icon on the right side of the screen to edit the details.
7. Adding a Plan Manually: Click the "Add Plan" button in the top right to add a Plan manually via selecting a Template or creating from scratch. If you have multiple plans on your record, you can click the drop down on the top left and choose which Plan you want to view.
Note: This dropdown will not be visible if you do not have any other plans on the record.
8. User and Contact Images: If any assigned user and/or contact has a profile picture, we will surface that accordingly in line with the Milestone. If a card color is selected on the contact, that will be reflected by the the respective color bordering the picture.
9. Search Objectives: On the top right, you can search for specific objectives. When the search yields results, the respective average Percent Complete will be the average of the search results.
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